Saloon Stock Cars Devon Championship

The above data is © Autospeed
2024 Smeatharpe Joe Powell (799)
2023 Smeatharpe Jacob Roff (99)
2022 Smeatharpe Archie Brown (720)
2021 Smeatharpe Warren Darby (677)
2020 not staged
2019 Smeatharpe Joe Powell (799)
2018 Smeatharpe Cole Atkins (399)
2017 Smeatharpe Shane Davies (158)
2016 Smeatharpe Ben Sealy (475)
2015 Smeatharpe Phil Powell (199)
2014 Smeatharpe Eddie Darby (677)
2013 Smeatharpe Barry Hollett (30)
2012 Smeatharpe Eddie Darby (1)
2011 Smeatharpe Shane Brown (120)
2010 Smeatharpe Danny Colliver (698)
2009 Smeatharpe Todd Jones (186)
2008 Smeatharpe Ian Govier (328)
2007 Smeatharpe Shane Brown (720)
2006 Smeatharpe Danny Hunt (382)
2005 Smeatharpe Shaun Webster (402)
2004 Smeatharpe Chris Horwell (103)
2003 Smeatharpe Andrew Lomas (144)
2002 Smeatharpe Gordon Alexander (71)
2001 Smeatharpe Wayne Doddington (272)
2000 Smeatharpe Philip Morgan (001)
1999 Smeatharpe Kev Gooding (256)
1998 Smeatharpe Mark Calvert (224)
1997 Smeatharpe Mark Gray (900)
1996 Smeatharpe Philip Morgan (001)
1995 Smeatharpe Philip Morgan (001)
1994 Newton Abbot Mark Gray (900)
1993 Newton Abbot Peter Wellington (33)
1992 Newton Abbot Philip Morgan (001)
1991 Newton Abbot John Harding (198)
1990 Newton Abbot Philip Morgan (001)
1989 Newton Abbot Keith White (38)
1988 Newton Abbot Keith White (38)
1987 Newton Abbot Philip Morgan (001)
1986 Newton Abbot Dave Bunt (59)
1985 Newton Abbot Neil Truran (95)

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